Rocking Chair Ranch 03

Permit: Blackstone Permit RCR3

The Corduroy zone in this well was 30’ low to the RCR 01 and the RCR 04. This well is on the western flank of Area 1 and proves the boundary of the structure in the Corduroy dipping in the vicinity of the RCR 03. Taken in conjunction with the RCR 01 and RCR 04, there is structurally high conformity in the Corduroy stretching at least six miles between the two wells. Completion of the Corduroy in the RCR 03 brought in a hole full of water which is sensible for a structurally lower location (hydrocarbons tend to float on water, and accumulate up structure). While it may pay to gravity-produce the water off of the RCR03 to bring on Hydrocarbons, the tests on the RCR 01 and RCR 04 will determine the viability. Rather than spending money testing other zones, we have placed further completion efforts for the well on hold until results can be verified from the production of the RCR 01 and RCR 04.


Blackstone Exploration Rocking Chair Ranch _3 comp


04-28-2016: Swabbing and testing well. Click thumbnail below for video.

RCR Blowing Gas Thumb

4-27-2016: 4:00 PM Arizona Time. Perforated well.





4-25-2016: Moving support equipment and drilling rig to Rocking Chair Ranch 04.

4-24-2016: 1:00 PM Arizona Time. Casing run, cement circulated to surface.

4-24-2016: 10:30 AM Arizona Time. Open Hole Logs are run. Starting in with production casing.

4-23-2016: 11:00 AM Arizona Time. Reached Total Depth (TD) 2223′.

4-22-2016: 7:00 PM Arizona Time. 1846′.

Shows of oil in the lower Fort Apache.

9:00 PM 1898′.

4-22-2016: 6:00 AM Arizona Time. 1610′ Still reading 57+ unit gas kick on mud logger.

Fort Apache hit at 1516. 57 Unit hydrocarbon gas kick. 20′ high to the RCR02.

4-21-2016: 3:00 PM Arizona Time. 1061′.

941′-1050′: 15 unit flammable hydrocarbon gas kick. Just decreasing at 1050′.

4-21-2016: 9:00 AM Arizona Time. Drilling under surface with 7 7/8″ Poly Diamond Carbonate (PDC) Bit.

Mostly 1 Minute/ft. Harder streaks drilling at 2-5 Minutes/ft.

At 941′.

4-20-2016: 5:30 AM Arizona Time. 12 1/4″ Surface Hole Drilled. 8 5/8″ Surface Pipe set to 690′.

RCR03 Surface Pipe- Circulated Cemented to Surface.

Waiting on cement to install Blow-Out Preventer.

04-19-2016: 6:15 AM Arizona Time- 489′; Tripping Bit.

04-18-2016: Drilling Surface Hole under 124′.

04-17-2016: 13 3/8″ Conductor Casing Set to 124′; circulated cement to surface.

Spudding the Rocking Chair Ranch 03 April 16, 2016

Spudding Rocking Chair Ranch 03 April 16, 2016

RCR03LocationStake2016030403-04-2016: Survey Completed for Rocking Chair Ranch o3

Blackstone Exploration Company Incorporated

PO Box 940
Holbrook, Arizona 86025
PH: 816-223-3712
FX: 928-524-7787