Gusher State LLC is a privately held consortium of oil and gas industry professionals that has completed over 1,100 square miles of geophysical work in Cochise County, just north of Douglas, Arizona on the Mexico, United States border. Gusher State holds over 39,000 acres of oil and gas leases in Cochise County, Arizona and it has completed its archeological survey and filed its first two permits to drill with the State of Arizona. These permits to drill were approved on January 31, 2014. The 1-21 Arizona will be drilled under permit number 1187 and the 2-22 Arizona well will be drilled under permit number 1188.
*Due to the current dip in oil prices, these wells have not yet been drilled, but are scheduled for the third quarter of 2016.
Copyright 2013 Gusher State LLC
Gusher State Drill Location Stake for the State of Arizona 1-21
Gusher State Drill Location Stake for the State of Arizona 2-22
Well Location State of Arizona 2-22
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